Creation 1:

Link To Quiz

Here is the first app that I made for fun. The reason I created this quiz is to make my friends laugh. The first question of the quiz makes you believe it is a normal quiz, until you click on the next slide…

Something Different:
I utilized the playSound UI control. There will be a “correct” sound when the user gets the answer correct, and a “incorrect” sound when the user gets the answer incorrect. I also utilized the setTimeout control. When I made my first test quiz I found clicking on a “next question” button was annoying, so I found out I could use the setTimeout control to automatically switch to the next page after a set amount of time.

Creation 2:

Link To Impossible Pong

I have always been fascinated by game developing since I was a kid, and just creating this simple game showed me how tough game developing is. The main challenge of making this game was creating the motion of the opposing paddle. I realized that if I made the pong slow enough, and if I made a uniform motion of the paddle, it is actually impossible for the user to defeat the opponent, so I named my game “Impossible Pong”. Another challenge I faced while creating this game was the fact that everything when out of the borders. After some research, I found the sprites toolbox, which helps all with simple game development. “topEdge” and “bottomEdge” helped me create a border so nothing goes outside of the screen.

Something that I will work on next week is making a pong game with a smart ai, and implementing different difficulties ranging from easy to hard.