Test Corrections

This question goes under the topic of boolean expressions, which I need to review and do more problems. This is one of the three questions on this test about logic gates, which are questions I have never encountered before. After checking out the collegeboard videos provided on the section, I did not have any takeaways as collegeboard did not cover logic gate type questions. But anyways, using my deductive skills, I have figured out this question. The question tells us that the output has to be true, so by working our way from bottom to top, true has to be with true in the and statement in order to be true, and working up to the first logic gate, false has to be with true in the or statement in order to be true.

This question goes under the topic of iteration. The problem with this code is that i will never end up being 4, so this makes the code keep on looping while displaying nothing.

This question goes under the topic of iteration again, but it is one of those numerous robot problems that were on the test. In this problem, the main issue I had to deal with was choosing between C and D. The problem I had with those two choices are that they are iterations within iterations, which is confusing for me. In the end, I gave up and chose D, because I thought C was definitely wrong. Previously, I thought “REPEAT 2 TIMES” meant that after the first iteration, it will iterate two MORE times, which would end up being three iterations, resulting in the wrong place for the robot. But it turns out the outer iteration determines how many TOTAL iterations will take place, which is why C is the correct answer.

This question goes under the topics of iteration and calling procedure, but that doesn’t matter since I got this question wrong because of my carelessness. I didn’t notice that the answer choice A which I selected and got wrong set the initial value of radius to 0. The problem with this is that the first statement of the code is to draw the circle, and the first circle in the question clearly has a radius, so A is wrong.

This question goes under the topic of random values. I got this question wrong due to my carelessness again. Answer choice C which was what I chose and got wrong is wrong because it is only evaluating the number 2 among 10 numbers, which is a 10 percent chance. What the question asked for was 20 percent, so answer choice D is correct because numbers 1 and 2 takes up 20 percent of numbers 1 through 10.


Topics that I need to work on are: Boolean expressions in the form of logic gates, iterations, and most importantly, not making clumsy mistakes. If I had been more keen to the answer choices, I could have avoided 2 out of the 5 mistakes I had this test.