Simple Quiz using just if statements

QandA = [
    "1. What is the most common element on Earth?" , "oxygen" , 
    "2. What is the planet closest to our Sun?" , "mercury" , 
    "3. What is the smallest planet in our solar system?" , "mercury"

points = 0
current = 0
questions = 3

print ("Welcome to my simple quiz")

question1 = input (QandA[current])
if question1 == QandA[current + 1]:
    print (question1 + " is correct!\n")
    current += 2
    points += 1
    print(question1 + " is incorrect :(\n")
    current += 2

question2 = input (QandA[current])
if question2 == QandA[current + 1]:
    print (question2 + " is correct!\n")
    current += 2
    points += 1
    print(question2 + " is incorrect :(\n")
    current += 2

question3 = input (QandA[current])
if question3 == QandA[current + 1]:
    print (question3 + " is correct!\n")
    current += 2
    points += 1
    print(question3 + " is incorrect :(\n")
    current += 2
# If statements not efficient at all. The code does not iterate therefore is not smart

print("Well done, you scored " + str(points) +"/" + str(questions))
Welcome to my simple quiz
1. What is the most common element on Earth?
oxygen is correct!

2. What is the planet closest to our Sun?
mercury is correct!

3. What is the smallest planet in our solar system?
mercury is correct!

Well done, you scored 3/3

Quiz using loops

QandA = [
    "1. What is the most common element on Earth?" , "oxygen" , 
    "2. What is the planet closest to our Sun?" , "mercury" , 
    "3. What is the smallest planet in our solar system?" , "mercury"

points = 0
current = 0
questions = 1

print ("Welcome to my simple quiz")

while questions < 4:
    question = input (QandA[current])         # sets the question variable to the "current" index from the dictionary
    if question == QandA[current + 1]:        # "current + 1" represents the answer
        print(QandA[current])                 # print the question first
        print (question + " is correct! \n") 
        current += 2                          
        points += 1
        print(question + " is incorrect :( \n")
        current += 2
    questions = questions + 1

print("Well done, you scored " + str(points) +"/" + str(questions-1))
Welcome to my simple quiz
1. What is the most common element on Earth?
oxygen is correct! 

2. What is the planet closest to our Sun?
mercury is correct! 

3. What is the smallest planet in our solar system?
mercury is correct! 

Well done, you scored 3/3