AP Physics Fast Page

Unit 1: Introduction & Measurements



  • Dimensions to know
    • 10^-9 nano
    • 10^-6 micro
    • 10^-3 milli
    • 10^-3 centi
    • 10^-1 deci
    • 10^1 deca
    • 10^3 kilo
    • 10^6 mega
    • 10^9 giga
  • Sig figs
    • All numbers between SF are significant
    • All non-zero digits are significant
    • Leading zeroes are never significant
    • All trailing zeroes with decimal points are significant
    • Multiplication/Division: same number of SF as term with least amount of SF
    • Addition/Subtraction: same number of digits to right of DECIMAl as measurement with smallest number of digits to the right of the decimal

Lab 1